Recorded, produced and mastered in their own studio, their debut single, ‘Plain Lazy’ sends the listener into a trance-like-state. Complicated riffs are a thing of the past for this band as they go back to basics and create a song that has you marvelling at the simplistic and superb final product.
Catchy riffs mixed with hypnotic guitar licks and a steamy seductive vocal give future fans of Tied To The Mast a glimpse of their wider side.
Even the video keeps with the idea of simplicity; either that or it’s highlighting the fact someone dressed as a mummy can still skateboard. Filmed in 3 hours, edited in half a day, Tied To The Mast are following in the footsteps of The Pixies – If it’s not being done, do it yourself.
It’s easy to see why this tune is being hailed as ‘the perfect summer soundtrack’. Like with most bands that come from the boys at Mostar Records, Tied To The Mast are unique and cutting edge. And it’s evident to see (and hear) that this band is anything but lazy.
Rating: 4 out of 5
Release Date: 28th July 2011
Label: Mostar Records
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